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I am an introvert!

I am not typically one to share a lot of personal information about myself and just being here is a HUGE step outside of my comfort zone.  

Having a basis in psychology, I have always been very interested in personality types.  And learning more about mine has helped me grow in my self love and acceptance.  It has provided me with insight into how I perceive and interact with the world and others, and the understanding that others perceive and interact with the world and with me very differently. 

I typically use the Myers Briggs personality tests, but there are newer variations of the same basic idea offer similar results and descriptions. 


In taking my most recent test, I am an INFJ, the Advocate.  Previously I have scored as an INTJ, which just means my F/T is right on the line. But I always score very strongly on the NJ markers. 

Both of these personality type are not the most common ones, INFJs are the rarest personality types of all (only 1-2% of personality types are INFJs) and only 0.5% of women are INTJs.  

Learning my personality type years ago and realizing that I was in a small percentage really helped me understand why I had difficulty in connecting with others and in why others had a difficult time seeing the world from my perspective.  I was forced to have an excellent understanding in how others perceived the world, without them necessarily needing to know or understanding that others might see it differently.

I see the world through a unique lens, and so do you!  Because these personality types are narrowed down into 16 different versions, it only provides one lens at which to view yourself. But it’s a great start! 

It is important to recognize primarily how you perceive and interact with the world, process thought patterns, and form relationships with yourself and others. 


Your first action is to take a test! Here is a link to a free one. It doesn’t take long and it offers a great breakdown at the end.  Go ahead and do it! 

Comment below with your personality type and feel free to include one interesting unique fact that you learned! 

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